Sunday, July 31, 2022

Now Here is A Story

I will remember this always. It’s devastating, but part of life I guess. Where Josephine laid her eggs is not really the best spot but with this story, no where would be good probably. I got home and went to check on the chicks. She had three at this point and was off the clutch of eggs. I figured she she was off the eggs, no more would hatch. I then notice there is a cracked egg with ants going in and out of it. I then thought, okay, the chick died. I pick it up to dispose of it and hear chirping coming from the egg. I then go into a frantic state to get the ants out of that egg. I finish cracking the egg open and get the chick out and get the ants off of it. I got bit by ants multiple times. I then tried to give the chick back to mom. I should have known when she was stepping on the chick that it would not live. I took the chick back. It was covered in ants again. I got the ants off and proceeded to put the chick in an area where it would be safe. I put it in a crate and closed the gate to keep the cats out. I went to check on it several times. It was still breathing. I decided the chick, who I named Charlie, would be okay for a while. I went and did my feeding and watering. Well, the ants found Charlie again. I got him out of the crate and got the ants off again. I tried to keep him warm and keep him alive, but it did not happen. He passed not long after that. At least I tried. He was loved and cared for. It just was not meant to be. I was heartbroken but it was eye opening for me. Those hens know when the chick will live or die. It was an experience. The part of this story that I do not want to forget is this. As all of this was going on, I look up in the sky and the clouds looked like an angel. It made me feel like the situation was being watched over. I will not forget Charlie and his short life. 

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