Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Really Red??

Ronnie was sitting outside with Daisy and Bella one night. I happen to look outside and Red had gotten out of the pen. The thing is, we have tried to get him out of there and get him back to the other pasture, but he seemed happy and refused to go over to the pasture. Well, for whatever reason, he decided he was ready. Somehow the cows got their horns in the gate on that pen and just lifted the gate up and off the hinges. That is how Red got out. Ronnie got his rope out to try to rope Red to get him back into the pasture. Red ran around for a bit, but no need to rope him this time. Ronnie opened the gate where there was a makeshift shoot into the barn from the pasture he was in. Carlos somehow got in there and he was in the wrong pasture and he figured that out quickly. He was easy to get back to where his friends are. Ronnie cornered Red and we were able to walk him into the gate. That was the easiest we have ever moved an animal. Red was finally back in the pasture where he was supposed to be. 

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