Sunday, July 17, 2022

What Am I Seeing??

The same day I came home to find Rena overheated and Bertha had passed, there was something else that was going on amongst all of this other stuff. I went outside and there sat a tiny yellow tabby kitten in the backyard by a water bowl. I was not prepared for seeing that. I had to look a couple times to see if I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing. Now, he was alone which seems weird, unless he was dumped here which is a good possibility. It angers me. Yes, I know that cat will be fine here, but what about the rest. Is he sick?? Can he infect the rest of the animals here? Is he going to let us care for him? What am I going to do with him? These were all going through my mind when I saw him. Once he saw me, he ran under one of the buildings out here and just cried and cried and cried. Not long after that I look over and him and Athena were sitting together. Athena hates everything except Onyx. I was shocked. I tried to catch the kitten for a while but it was not happening. I did give him some food and he had already found the water. I guess we will see what happens. 

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