Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Jasper Spoiled

 Jasper may be the most spoiled cow. He is so sweet and loving. He walks on a leash. He will sit down beside me. He will run around the yard with me. He loves attention. He has his own area and it’s about to get bigger. Having Clare with him did not work out, but we are going to be getting another one so Jasper isn’t lonely. He does not act like he is lonely and he has his chicken friends to hang out with him in the evenings. He has his own fan to keep him cool and to keep the flies off of him. He even has his own radio to keep him from being lonely. I never thought I would have a cow and to have Jasper is just amazing. He is so much fun to have around. I will get him on the leash and take him around so he can have fresh grass, until we get the fencing fixed. The donkeys and goats are sure interested in him. I think they are wondering what he is exactly. Jeb is so jealous, he cannot stand it. Jasper is definitely awesome and I’m grateful he is here. 

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