Sunday, May 16, 2021

Oh Rona

 I really do not want to make this post, but I guess I need to. Rona, one of the barn cats has been gone for a month. It does not look like she is coming back. I wish I knew where she went but I don’t. She was a free spirit and she did what she wanted. I knew that when she came to live here. She was the sweetest and most cuddly cat but she wanted to roam. She was all over the place. Earl seems to be doing okay without her. He seemed depressed for a bit but he is out hunting and roaming on his own. He does not roam far from his home in the shop. He seems content where he is. I am looking for a companion for him to live in the shop at the moment though. My heart is broken for Rona but I have stopped looking for her. She did this once before but was only gone for 3 days. It’s been a month now. 

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