Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Hail!!

 So, Ronnie and I were fixing to clean the kitchen after dinner and we heard some thunder. The baby chicks were still out do we decided to run out and get them in the coop. The donkeys and goats had come in from the pasture and on the other side the donkeys and the horse had come in from the pasture. The clouds were rolling in fast as well as the thunder and lighting. The baby chickens didn’t put up much of a fight and ran into the coop. We are still keeping them there since they are still so small. We got them in and then the dogs in the house and then Ronnie and I went in. The minute we went in, it started hailing. We were watching out the window. This was some big hail. Ping pong size hail I would say. Luckily we had 2 of the vehicles under the carport. I wasn’t so grateful for the carport but it has hailed enough already this year for it to have been worth getting it. I think this is the fourth time since we moved here. Anyway. As we are watching out the winds, I see Jeb, Noma and Cracker Jack going for the shelter and then they all bolted out of there so fast into the hail. Then I see Earl running out of the shop and into the hail. All of the donkeys and goats were out of the barn, too. I’m thinking, what is wrong with these animals. They were all under different trees. Ronnie sad, everything we have out here is sheet metal, they don’t like the sound. That makes a lot of sense. I haven’t seen them all since the storm isn’t finished and it’s dark. The hail has stopped for now though so I’m sure they are all fine. Ronnie did check on Wheezy, the little goats and Jasper. The goats and wheezy did stay under their shelter even though it’s sheet metal and jasper was gated in. I’m hoping everyone is fine out there. I’m sure they are, they know how to survive. Goodness, this weather is crazy. 

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