Sunday, May 23, 2021

Rough night

 Well, we had a rough night the other night. Jeb had finally got into the trailer and he was there for the night to get used to it and go to the vet the next day. He had food and water and he was fine. However, Ronnie and I did not realize what would happen without Jeb in the pasture with Noma and Cracker Jack. It was getting late and Ronnie went out to check on the animals. He came running back into the house to grab his shoes. He said Ned was over with Noma and Cracker Jack and must have jumped the fence. Let me explain why that is such a big deal. Noma was a rescue from a kill pen, but so was Ned. Noma has a hard time getting around because of her feet. It’s heartbreaking to see if she is trying to get away from a male. The males have an appointment to get fixed, but haven’t been fixed yet. Noma is the only female here. Her feet are awful. We are trying to get her feet worked on, but she isn’t trusting and we have been unable to get a halter on her and I’m trying not to rush her so she will learn to trust us. Back to the story. Ned is chasing Noma and she is going as fast as she can kicking at him every few steps. Ronnie is chasing them and trying to rope Ned to get him back into his own pasture. Jeb is in the trailer and stomping as loud as he can. Let’s just say it was truly chaotic. After an hour of this, Ronnie finally ropes Ned. Ned refuses to go down without a fight. He fought all the way into the pasture. I get Noma and Cracker Jack in a pen with food and water for their safety for the night. Poor girl, she ate and drank some water and then layed  down. She was exhausted. Ned was still fighting and wouldn’t let Ronnie get the rope off. He went inside to cool off. I went back out to get the rope off of Ned so he didn’t injure himself. He wasn’t going to let me get it off while I was in the pasture with him. He started kicking. So I backed out and went to him from across the fence. I told him to come here so I could get the rope off and he quietly walked to me so I could get it off. He ran off as soon as he was free. Noma and Cracker Jack were left in the pen until Jeb was back from his appointment. I’m telling you, never a dull moment around here. Ned has stayed on his side of the fence but Noma will not for any reason leave Jeb’s side. 

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