Tuesday, May 11, 2021

World Donkey Day

 World Donkey Day was on Sunday. I didn’t know this day existed, but it does. I actually have 6 of these guys. They are so loveable. They deal with me hugging their necks and petting their noses. They are good protectors also. I’ve had Cracker Jack, my mini for 2 years now. He is probably around 17 years old. He has always been a good pet to have around. I added the other 5 since moving here. They all came from the same kill pen. I do get asked a lot, what are you going to do with them. I used to go into a long explanation, but now I just say, I’m going to love them. When I got them, I had some plans in my head, 2 were going in with our horses, which we didn’t have yet. We now have 1 and 2 of them are with him. Then in a smaller yard I was going to put all the goats in there with 2 of them and then I was going to get some cows and put the last 2 with the cows. Well, the 4 donkeys that are together are with 3 goats and a bunch of chickens. They seem to be god there so for now, that is where they will stay. Eventually I may have other plans, but for now, they are happy and heathy. There doesn’t need to be a plan. I’m just letting it be. 

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