Monday, May 17, 2021

Trapped chicken

 I believe Edith was in the chicken coop today. It was getting dark out because another storm was coming through when I got home. I was running around trying to get everything fed and watered before it hit. I got all the animals fed and all the baby chicks into the coop and shut the door. I started doing other stuff since Ronnie got home and was helping water. I look out the window and I see a chicken on top of the laying box just walking back and forth. It looked to be in distress. I walked out there and sure enough, Edith is trapped in there with the babies. The babies look terrified and are all huddled in a corner. She is desperately trying to find a way out. I took off my jacket and was going to try to grab her and carry her out. Oh no, that wasn’t happening. She flipped out. She was finally herded out of the pen and she was so glad. Apparently she has been laying eggs in the chicken coop in one of the boxes while the babies are running around during the day. I was a few hours early with putting them in the coop today. Poor Edith. She was upset enough and trying to get out of there so desperately I was afraid she was going to get hurt. But, everything turned out fine. 

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