Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 Let’s talk about Wheezy. Wheezy is a chicken I pulled out of the coop yesterday. This chicken was the next to be pecked off in the pecking order. He was named Wheezy because when I picked it up, the little chicken was wheezing. Poor thing had already been pecked into the ground. It could still get up but several of the chickens were pecking on it. I didn’t really have anywhere to put Wheezy but Ronnie said to put it in the shop. So, I did. I knew Earl wouldn’t hurt the chicken so until it was bigger, that’s where it would stay. Not ideal in the least, but it would be warm and dry and still alive. I went out later to check on the chicken, and Wheezy was gone. I could not find that chicken. I had no idea where to look. This morning, Ronnie found Wheezy alive and well in the small goat pen. I was still worried, I knew the big chickens were in and out of there daily, so I hoped they wouldn’t try to hurt Wheezy. Well, they didn’t hurt Wheezy. Wheezy became friends with the goats. Ronnie sent me a pic when he got home since I was still at work and it warmed my heart. The pic was of Wheezy and one of the goats. Looks like Wheezy will be fine. That chicken is living life. And likes to be petted and loved on by me. Yay!!

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