Sunday, May 23, 2021

Jeb Going to the vet

 We had an appointment this past week for Jeb to go to the vet to be fixed. The day came and he was not going to get in that trailer. It was not going to happen. Nope. So, the appointment was rescheduled for a few days later. Ronnie worked with Jeb to get him in the trailer, he finally went in. He goes to the vet and we got a big surprise. I will be honest and tell you I had never tried to figure out an age of a horse, but I thought he was older than he is. I was shocked when Ronnie called to tell me that Jeb was not even a year old yet. It was not time for him to be fixed since he was so young. This horse is going to be huge. He is a big horse already and we knew he was young but had no idea how young. He is learning everything. He is so smart for being so young. He is a good natured horse for him being so young also. I really just could not believe it. I am excited to see him grow up here. He is such a joy but it does explain why he does some things he does. For example, he likes to nip at me. He was so jealous the other day since I took Jasper for a walk. When I got Jasper back into his spot, Jeb ran over to me and nipped me on the arm and literally ran off. I wasn’t mad by knew that couldn’t happen again. Apparently he is young and has to learn. He will. He isn’t going anywhere. This will be a challenge. 

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