Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Where did I move??

 The weather has been so nutty since moving here. We have had more rain than normal, there has been cooler temps longer than normal, there has been a torrential ice storm, tornado warnings, etc. I’m telling you, it’s been crazy. I wouldn’t really know much difference except I have been told several times, this isn’t normal. Last week, Ronnie and I were outside feeding and watering the animals. I knew it was supposed to rain but I was not expecting what happened. I was watching the clouds get darker, the weather turned cold in the blink of an eye and Ronnie yells across the yard to move my car under the carport. I ran in to get my keys and move my car. Not long after I moved the car, it starts pouring. Not a little, I mean a down pour. Then it starts hailing. Lots of hail. The yard was full of hail. Cracker Jack, Jeb, and Noma wouldn’t go under their shelter. I see Earl running up into a tree. Ronnie goes outside to make sure Noma is okay. I was beside myself. They were getting hit with hail. They never did go under the shelter that night but they were all fine. I know animals know what they are doing even if we don’t understand it. And this week it’s raining and colder again. I mean, I grew up in Arkansas so I know how weather changes but Texas may have Arkansas beat. 

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