Friday, July 8, 2022

Peanut Butter

I learned an important lesson here recently. For those of you that don’t know, we had taken in some kittens. Well, those kittens scared off my 3 adult cats. Earl came back pretty quickly and is now gone again, but I’m sure he will come back. Jelly came back also and has been back every night since he decided to come home. I think he was home about a month. Peanut Butter was gone for 2 months. 2 whole months of searching and hollering and wondering where he was. I was devastated and had told Ronnie that I was giving up. He said why would you ever give up hope like that? I mean, it had been 2 months, why would I still think he was out there and okay. Of course Ronnie was right, I knew better than that. I know there are bigger issues than a cat, but this cat happened to be important to me. I really was concerned. What do you do when you start to give up, you pray. I prayed about this cat, I absolutely did. I then just let things happen and hoped he would come back. I was still hollering his name when I went outside. One night I was out late letting the dogs out and I saw a black cat down the driveway and the heard Peanut Butter’s bell on his collar. I started hollering his name and he came to me. I hugged that cat. I was so grateful he was home. I have seen him every day since then. I’m literally sitting out on the front porch with him now. I missed him. The lesson here is this, I started to give up hope, but was reminded to pray instead of giving up. I did that and then trusted God for what happened next. When we continue to hope and we believe in the prayers, you never know what will happen. I guess I needed the reminder. I am so glad I got it. And I’m glad Peanut Butter is home. I think Peanut Butter is glad to be home also.

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