Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Finally talked with the vet today about Russ. I guess I am paranoid about that pig. The vet said his stool sample was okay. He said he would see him again or do another stool sample if I needed him to, but he was clear of any parasites or worms. He said everything looked fine. Russ still doesn’t want me to mess with him after a shot almost a month ago. He is warming back up but it’s a slow process. I am going to calm down now about Russ and just let him do his thing. He is more active lately and is still playing a lot with Brutus. Looks like it’s all going to be okay.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Have you ever just had a dream?? Had something you wanted to do and you get a plan and that plan changes a hundred times to take you back to your original plan?? We started this farm for a specific reason. I wanted to work with youth that had trauma in their past and help them find God’s love and healing through those animals. That is my dream. That is what I want to do. I have rescued these animals for a purpose. I’m sure most of us on this planet have been through something traumatic and needed something to help us through. A lot of times, in that trauma we are angry and don’t know where to turn, even though God is always there. I don’t push my beliefs on anyone at all but I do believe in God. I believe He put us on this earth for His glory. I also believe His plan for me in my life is to help youth with trauma and really animals with trauma also. I have a list of animals here and can give you the story on each one, what happened to them and why some of them are shy or scared or aggressive. Animals have trauma also. I want to be able to rescue more of them from what they have had to endure without having a voice to speak. In saying that, I also want to fight for those kids and teenagers that need help to find their voice in this world. This is what I want. I’m not really sure why I thought everyone should know that, but I would love to have some input from others. I need to work on this and figure out exactly what needs to be done.

What is everyone else’s dream?? What do you want to do??

Sunday, March 29, 2020

I may have lost my mind. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise too many people at this moment. I have been watching Russ. He still just doesn’t look good to me. Am I absolutely positively sure something is wrong, no. For some reason I just feel like something is wrong. I have given him an antibiotic from the vet for an infection. I have wormed him again at the request of the vet and have taken a stool sample into the vet. Nothing seems to be wrong. He is still eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, playing with the other pigs, and sleeping fine. Why do I still feel like something is wrong with him?? His belly is a little distended but that’s all I can see. I’m not sure why I still have this feeling. I am in contact with the vet so I am doing what I can to make sure Russ is okay. He still won’t let me near him after the shot almost 3 weeks ago. I just am doing the best I can. I may really be nuts. Nothing looks to be wrong with him except that belly but he may have gained a pound or 2 since he came here. I’m not sure what else it could be.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I have a story that I never thought I would be telling. I know pigs bond with their owner, but I think I have seen it all now. I was worried about Russ, again, so I had called the vet to bring in a stool sample. I went out to try to get one and ran right into the sheet metal roof on the pigs’ shelter. Of course, head wounds bleed a lot even if the cut isn’t that bad. I literally had blood running down my head and through my fingers, etc. The pigs in that pen were looking at me like they were a little nervous. I don’t blame them. That was a lot of blood, but the cut wasn’t too bad. The day goes on and I’m back out in the pig pen. Patsy starts falling down and screaming. Upon a closer look, she has open sores on her back. I know that it’s dippity with all the research I had done when I got pigs. Poor patsy’s back legs were literally giving out on her and she was screaming in pain. I was so distraught seeing this. This is caused from stress. The pig literally got dippity pig syndrome from being too stressed. You can give Benadryl or aspirin for this, but that’s it.

So then I go through the list of things going on... the weather, but that’s been going for months; a new pig, but that was 6 weeks ago; the mud, but that’s been there; my routine has changed so their schedule has changed also, but that’s been a week ago. The only thing recent was me busting my head opened. Patsy didn’t have that before that happened. Poor little girl. She still isn’t really friendly, but she must care about me a little. This was a couple days ago. Dippity usually lasts 48-72 hours. She is already rid of it, but I hope she never gets it again. It’s heartbreaking.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

I have posted about Russ having an infection. I know I sound a little out there sometimes about these animals and their health. He was given an antibiotic shot from the vet on Wednesday. I have been watching him closely and I still feel like there is something off. He has not acted sick at all, but I just knew in my gut something was wrong. And there definitely was. He is urinating better and it is a much better color. I also made sure to watch his bowel movement today and it was better. I just cannot put my finger on what is going on. I think I will be calling the vet tomorrow, I’m just not sure what to tell him. The only thing is maybe a distended stomach but it wasn’t that way before he ate. I’m just not sure what it is. He really doesn’t have any symptoms. He is eating and drinking fine. He is interacting with the other pigs. He is doing his business much better after his shot. What am I missing?? He is super mad at me because of the shot so he isn’t friendly with me right now. Send some prayers that we can narrow this down so Russ doesn’t get worse. He is better than he was, but I’m still worried.

With all this Coronavirus stuff in the news and shortages of toilet paper and what I’m worried about is the mud in my pens where my animals are. That’s my biggest worry. The mud had almost dried up and here comes the next wave of rain. It’s been raining for 3 days and stopped today. But, we have 3 more days of this coming and then a short break and then another week of it. We have put drains in the pens, used straw, used shavings, nothing works. There is too much rain. I feel so bad for them. They seem to like it. They are all rooting around and acting like it’s no big deal. It does make it harder to clean up poop, but I am definitely still doing that. I am just ready for some sunshine and no more mud. If anyone has any more suggestions, please let me know. I’m willing to try anything.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I feel as though I have won a battle I have been fighting almost a year. Bacon bit and Pork chop have been very nervous of me since I got them last year. I have worked with them and worked with them. They will eat out of my hand and have been doing that for awhile. They have been giving me kisses for awhile also. They still didn’t want to be petted and didn’t want to flop over for belly rubs. This week they finally did the belly flop, both of them and don’t mind being petted on. The funny thing is to me is Bacon bit is top hog in that pen, Pork chop waited until bacon bit did the belly flop first. He did it immediately after. Like while I’m rubbing Bacon bit’s belly. I laughed so hard. I had to run both of their bellies at the same time. Now they both want to be loved on all the time. So sweet.

I have had Cracker Jack, Hercules, Romeo, Lucky, Spam, and Treat for a year this week. Never would I have thought that I would have a farm and we have now had it a year. A year!! I have been through it and so have they!! I am going to tell you about the last year. I have learned so much.  Romeo had coccidiosis which I didn’t even know was a thing... had to treat all of the animals in that pen. Thank goodness they were all fine. That and a couple cases of worms in that pen but that’s about it. Cracker Jack had some issues with his hooves, but got that taken care of also. Cracker Jack had never been in a horse trailer, so getting him in was a big thing in itself. He was 14 years old and never been anywhere. The first night he was pretty depressed but the goats came the next day and he perked  back up. Treat was sick when we got her. She has a severe case of pneumonia and mange. A few trips to the vet and I didn’t think she would make it, but she did. Spam got mange also, but she made it through. Not before giving me mange as well. I will never forget the horrors of that. Then we had treat running away several times for days, but she is doing fine now and doesn’t even try to get out now. We have had introductions to new pigs and another goat. Pork chop and bacon bit came next. Bacon bit and Pork chop ended up with ringworm, which they so kindly shared with me. Pork chop ran off once but Daisy got him back. Then came Gus. That poor pig was picked on for about 24 hours and then he showed them who was boss. Then came Patsy and Brutus. I have never seen depression from an animal that bad. I wasn’t sure they would make it, but they did and are good. A few months later we got Carlos who was attacked by a bobcat and really banged up, but his wounds have healed and he is doing really well. The donkey and other goats still protect him every night. Then we got another dog, Bella. She has had some challenges due to poor eyesight but is thriving with all of these animals. Last one is Russ. He has had some bad infection issues lately, but I think we are on the mend. We also already had Persia, Daisy, Bubba, Maggie, and Pepper. Pepper is having arthritis issues due to breaking her leg 10 years ago. Had a UTI with Bubba. Maggie has been having issues with hot spots. But, none of all of that matters. We have all been through a lot together in the last year, but we have a bond through all of that and these animals truly love with everything they have. We have made it on the farm a year and here is to many more years.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

My husband came home last night. I got home and we dealt with Russ and his shot. I had fed all of the other animals before working to give Russ a shot. We got back in the house and that donkey started braying and he wouldn’t stop. He usually does that when he is hungry, happy to see you, or strangers are pulling in the driveway. I wasn’t sure what was happening. So, Ronnie and I went back outside. I wanted to check on Russ anyway. I went to the fence where Cracker was and he would not come toward me. So, I go check on Russ and Ronnie goes to get peanuts out of the barn for Cracker Jack. Turns out, Ronnie is his human and he needed his attention. I know they are all spoiled, but that just means they are extra loved. Let’s just say, I am definitely not his favorite, but that’s okay.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I posted awhile back that I thought Russ had something going on but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. He was eating and drinking and up and moving. He had even started going into the other pen with those pigs and hanging out. I thought maybe I was just being too protective. I would check his pee and poop everyday. I started noticing a dark tint and weird color in his poop. Of course I call the vet and they have no openings until late Friday. Well it was Tuesday. So, the vet called me and we discussed what was going on. He was so wonderful, he wrote a script for me for a shot for me to pick up. It was closing time so I was going to have to wait until today. I got home yesterday and started the chores or feeding and watering and all the other things there is to do. Russ wanted some attention so I gladly gave him belly rubs. As I was petting him, I noticed a swelling spot close to where he was neutered. I pushed on it to see what it was and literally infection started coming out. Quite a bit. He would squeal like it hurt every time I would get more out but he just let me do it. He then got up and started wagging his tail like he felt better. I sent pics to the vet. My husband picked up the shot and when I got home, we went out to give it to him. I’m not sure how much you know about pigs, but they are fast, strong, and extremely smart. Russ knew I was trying to catch him and he wasn’t having any of it. I really don’t blame him. Finally after who knows how long, my husband and I caught him. Yes, it took us both. Ronnie was able to give him the injection. I got stepped on and my wrist is swollen and got cut up on a tree but other than that there were no injuries. He did get upset and went into the other pen and those pigs surrounded him like they were protecting him. That blows my mind but I love it. He finally got over it and I was able to pet him, but only through the fence. I’m hoping he gets better soon. He doesn’t act sick but I’m so grateful I listened to my gut. It would only get worse. My poor guy.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

You guys, this pig... Russ is so stinking smart. So, you all know I tried to get him in the herd and he wasn’t having it. He got out of the pen and didn’t want to go back. That was fine with me. I set him back up in his own pen and he has been totally fine. When they were first getting to know each other through the fence, they started digging holes under the fence. We figured he got under the fence and since I didn’t latch that gate, that’s how he got out. Well, tonight, I decided to feed the pigs really well. I had some baby food that was almost out of date and some fruit that was going to go out of date faster than I would eat it, so I cut up all the fruit and brought out the baby food. I went to the little pig pen first... next thing I know, Russ is standing beside me wanting food. He was in the pen that he didn’t want to be in. I just laughed and made him a bowl, too. I left the pen and all of them had eaten. So since Russ ate with the little pigs, I moved onto to the big pigs. When I got out of that pen, I gave fresh water to all of them. I get over to the empty pen and here comes Russ, through the fence and back in his pen. It was so quick that I couldn’t get it all on video. That pig does not want to stay in the pen with the little pigs. I have him set up on his own and he is happy. I’m not sure why the other pigs aren’t going back and forth but they don’t have any desire either. I was cracking up at Russ tonight. He knows what he wants and that’s to be alone... unless food is involved. Smart little guy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

In getting Russ, the new pig, my other pigs have gone nuts. The smaller pigs are trying so hard for my attention. I sat in their pen tonight. Brutus got his belly rubs for a long time which he loved. Pork chop and Patsy even let me pet them. Pork chop almost did a belly flop for me. It was so close but didn’t happen. I know it will eventually. Bacon bit did her first belly flop for me last week and I almost got another one tonight. It really was a great night with them. They deserve so much attention. It’s been hard with them. I’ve had 2 of them for about 9 months and 2 for about 10 months. Brutus is the o my one that loves attention. The other 3 are still unsure, unless I have treats in my hand. I’m still working with them like crazy. They have made great progress but we still have a wall between us. It will happen one day. I’m being patient.

Monday, March 2, 2020

I know I have been talking about Russ a lot lately. I promise I’m not neglecting any of the other animals here, but at the moment, he is the one being so funny. So last week I had a really long day. I knew it was going to be long and all I could do was leave all the lights on for the animals while I was gone. I left that morning at 6:45 am and wasn’t home until 8:30 that night. I’m not usually gone that long but sometimes it just happens. When I got home, there was complete silence. They were all so mad. Cracker Jack always brays at me when I get home and he didn’t at all. I knew he was mad. To top it all off, it was going to be in the 20s that night so I needed to take extra precautions for them all to be able to stay warm. I hurry as fast as I can to get everything done. As I walk over to the pig pens, Riss is so mad he had turned his house all the way over and broke it apart and scattered all of his straw everywhere. I’m sure that wasn’t supposed to be funny but to me it reminded me of a kid throwing a tantrum. I went in the pen and fixed it up after feeding them all. I got out new straw for him to make sure he would be warm. And as soon as all that was finished, I sat down on the old straw  and he did a belly flop for belly rubs and all was right with the world again, for him anyway. Now every time he gets upset or I’m late he does this with turning over his house. He is a mess. What some people don’t know is that animals love a routine. They want that stability and do better when there is a routine. I try really hard to keep them on a routine daily, sometimes it just doesn’t work and they tell me about it and not nicely usually.