Sunday, March 1, 2020

I have come to realize in the last couple of days that my newest dog, Bella, a black lab and my newest pig, Russ have an undeniable bond. Bella checks on Russ every time she is out. She stays by his side when she is out also. She will stick her head in the hog panels. They will walk back and through the fence together. It’s really cute. I didn’t realize fully they had bonded until earlier today. Russ was really happy to be with Bella out of his pen today. We will definitely have to do that more. I went out earlier to hang out with the pigs and went into the pen with Russ. I sat down on the ground and had him do his belly flop and was rubbing his belly. I think Bella thought Russ was hurt because she whined and cried and tried to crawl through the hog panel. Obviously she is too big to fit but she was sure trying. It was so funny. She finally made enough noise to get Russ up to show her he was fine. Silly animals.

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