Sunday, March 15, 2020

With all this Coronavirus stuff in the news and shortages of toilet paper and what I’m worried about is the mud in my pens where my animals are. That’s my biggest worry. The mud had almost dried up and here comes the next wave of rain. It’s been raining for 3 days and stopped today. But, we have 3 more days of this coming and then a short break and then another week of it. We have put drains in the pens, used straw, used shavings, nothing works. There is too much rain. I feel so bad for them. They seem to like it. They are all rooting around and acting like it’s no big deal. It does make it harder to clean up poop, but I am definitely still doing that. I am just ready for some sunshine and no more mud. If anyone has any more suggestions, please let me know. I’m willing to try anything.

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