Thursday, March 12, 2020

My husband came home last night. I got home and we dealt with Russ and his shot. I had fed all of the other animals before working to give Russ a shot. We got back in the house and that donkey started braying and he wouldn’t stop. He usually does that when he is hungry, happy to see you, or strangers are pulling in the driveway. I wasn’t sure what was happening. So, Ronnie and I went back outside. I wanted to check on Russ anyway. I went to the fence where Cracker was and he would not come toward me. So, I go check on Russ and Ronnie goes to get peanuts out of the barn for Cracker Jack. Turns out, Ronnie is his human and he needed his attention. I know they are all spoiled, but that just means they are extra loved. Let’s just say, I am definitely not his favorite, but that’s okay.

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