Wednesday, March 4, 2020

In getting Russ, the new pig, my other pigs have gone nuts. The smaller pigs are trying so hard for my attention. I sat in their pen tonight. Brutus got his belly rubs for a long time which he loved. Pork chop and Patsy even let me pet them. Pork chop almost did a belly flop for me. It was so close but didn’t happen. I know it will eventually. Bacon bit did her first belly flop for me last week and I almost got another one tonight. It really was a great night with them. They deserve so much attention. It’s been hard with them. I’ve had 2 of them for about 9 months and 2 for about 10 months. Brutus is the o my one that loves attention. The other 3 are still unsure, unless I have treats in my hand. I’m still working with them like crazy. They have made great progress but we still have a wall between us. It will happen one day. I’m being patient.

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