Thursday, March 5, 2020

You guys, this pig... Russ is so stinking smart. So, you all know I tried to get him in the herd and he wasn’t having it. He got out of the pen and didn’t want to go back. That was fine with me. I set him back up in his own pen and he has been totally fine. When they were first getting to know each other through the fence, they started digging holes under the fence. We figured he got under the fence and since I didn’t latch that gate, that’s how he got out. Well, tonight, I decided to feed the pigs really well. I had some baby food that was almost out of date and some fruit that was going to go out of date faster than I would eat it, so I cut up all the fruit and brought out the baby food. I went to the little pig pen first... next thing I know, Russ is standing beside me wanting food. He was in the pen that he didn’t want to be in. I just laughed and made him a bowl, too. I left the pen and all of them had eaten. So since Russ ate with the little pigs, I moved onto to the big pigs. When I got out of that pen, I gave fresh water to all of them. I get over to the empty pen and here comes Russ, through the fence and back in his pen. It was so quick that I couldn’t get it all on video. That pig does not want to stay in the pen with the little pigs. I have him set up on his own and he is happy. I’m not sure why the other pigs aren’t going back and forth but they don’t have any desire either. I was cracking up at Russ tonight. He knows what he wants and that’s to be alone... unless food is involved. Smart little guy.

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