Saturday, March 14, 2020

I feel as though I have won a battle I have been fighting almost a year. Bacon bit and Pork chop have been very nervous of me since I got them last year. I have worked with them and worked with them. They will eat out of my hand and have been doing that for awhile. They have been giving me kisses for awhile also. They still didn’t want to be petted and didn’t want to flop over for belly rubs. This week they finally did the belly flop, both of them and don’t mind being petted on. The funny thing is to me is Bacon bit is top hog in that pen, Pork chop waited until bacon bit did the belly flop first. He did it immediately after. Like while I’m rubbing Bacon bit’s belly. I laughed so hard. I had to run both of their bellies at the same time. Now they both want to be loved on all the time. So sweet.

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