Saturday, March 14, 2020

I have had Cracker Jack, Hercules, Romeo, Lucky, Spam, and Treat for a year this week. Never would I have thought that I would have a farm and we have now had it a year. A year!! I have been through it and so have they!! I am going to tell you about the last year. I have learned so much.  Romeo had coccidiosis which I didn’t even know was a thing... had to treat all of the animals in that pen. Thank goodness they were all fine. That and a couple cases of worms in that pen but that’s about it. Cracker Jack had some issues with his hooves, but got that taken care of also. Cracker Jack had never been in a horse trailer, so getting him in was a big thing in itself. He was 14 years old and never been anywhere. The first night he was pretty depressed but the goats came the next day and he perked  back up. Treat was sick when we got her. She has a severe case of pneumonia and mange. A few trips to the vet and I didn’t think she would make it, but she did. Spam got mange also, but she made it through. Not before giving me mange as well. I will never forget the horrors of that. Then we had treat running away several times for days, but she is doing fine now and doesn’t even try to get out now. We have had introductions to new pigs and another goat. Pork chop and bacon bit came next. Bacon bit and Pork chop ended up with ringworm, which they so kindly shared with me. Pork chop ran off once but Daisy got him back. Then came Gus. That poor pig was picked on for about 24 hours and then he showed them who was boss. Then came Patsy and Brutus. I have never seen depression from an animal that bad. I wasn’t sure they would make it, but they did and are good. A few months later we got Carlos who was attacked by a bobcat and really banged up, but his wounds have healed and he is doing really well. The donkey and other goats still protect him every night. Then we got another dog, Bella. She has had some challenges due to poor eyesight but is thriving with all of these animals. Last one is Russ. He has had some bad infection issues lately, but I think we are on the mend. We also already had Persia, Daisy, Bubba, Maggie, and Pepper. Pepper is having arthritis issues due to breaking her leg 10 years ago. Had a UTI with Bubba. Maggie has been having issues with hot spots. But, none of all of that matters. We have all been through a lot together in the last year, but we have a bond through all of that and these animals truly love with everything they have. We have made it on the farm a year and here is to many more years.

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