Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I posted awhile back that I thought Russ had something going on but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. He was eating and drinking and up and moving. He had even started going into the other pen with those pigs and hanging out. I thought maybe I was just being too protective. I would check his pee and poop everyday. I started noticing a dark tint and weird color in his poop. Of course I call the vet and they have no openings until late Friday. Well it was Tuesday. So, the vet called me and we discussed what was going on. He was so wonderful, he wrote a script for me for a shot for me to pick up. It was closing time so I was going to have to wait until today. I got home yesterday and started the chores or feeding and watering and all the other things there is to do. Russ wanted some attention so I gladly gave him belly rubs. As I was petting him, I noticed a swelling spot close to where he was neutered. I pushed on it to see what it was and literally infection started coming out. Quite a bit. He would squeal like it hurt every time I would get more out but he just let me do it. He then got up and started wagging his tail like he felt better. I sent pics to the vet. My husband picked up the shot and when I got home, we went out to give it to him. I’m not sure how much you know about pigs, but they are fast, strong, and extremely smart. Russ knew I was trying to catch him and he wasn’t having any of it. I really don’t blame him. Finally after who knows how long, my husband and I caught him. Yes, it took us both. Ronnie was able to give him the injection. I got stepped on and my wrist is swollen and got cut up on a tree but other than that there were no injuries. He did get upset and went into the other pen and those pigs surrounded him like they were protecting him. That blows my mind but I love it. He finally got over it and I was able to pet him, but only through the fence. I’m hoping he gets better soon. He doesn’t act sick but I’m so grateful I listened to my gut. It would only get worse. My poor guy.

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