Saturday, March 28, 2020

I have a story that I never thought I would be telling. I know pigs bond with their owner, but I think I have seen it all now. I was worried about Russ, again, so I had called the vet to bring in a stool sample. I went out to try to get one and ran right into the sheet metal roof on the pigs’ shelter. Of course, head wounds bleed a lot even if the cut isn’t that bad. I literally had blood running down my head and through my fingers, etc. The pigs in that pen were looking at me like they were a little nervous. I don’t blame them. That was a lot of blood, but the cut wasn’t too bad. The day goes on and I’m back out in the pig pen. Patsy starts falling down and screaming. Upon a closer look, she has open sores on her back. I know that it’s dippity with all the research I had done when I got pigs. Poor patsy’s back legs were literally giving out on her and she was screaming in pain. I was so distraught seeing this. This is caused from stress. The pig literally got dippity pig syndrome from being too stressed. You can give Benadryl or aspirin for this, but that’s it.

So then I go through the list of things going on... the weather, but that’s been going for months; a new pig, but that was 6 weeks ago; the mud, but that’s been there; my routine has changed so their schedule has changed also, but that’s been a week ago. The only thing recent was me busting my head opened. Patsy didn’t have that before that happened. Poor little girl. She still isn’t really friendly, but she must care about me a little. This was a couple days ago. Dippity usually lasts 48-72 hours. She is already rid of it, but I hope she never gets it again. It’s heartbreaking.

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