Sunday, March 1, 2020

Out in the pen with Russ I found what looked like bloody urine. If you have been reading this blog, you know I immediately panicked. I knew he had a rough day but he hadn’t been acting like he was sick. I start googling and I knew it couldn’t be good. There is no vet opened here that will see a pig. The emergency vet will only see dogs and cats. I have antibiotics on hand here but hate to give it to him without knowing the actual problem. He is eating and drinking fine. He is still wagging his tail and acting normal. I came inside and a couple hours later my husband says, come on let’s go check on Russ. So we get up and go check on him. He is comfortably laying in the dog house. He was asleep but we distributed him. He grunts and reluctantly gets out of his house. He goes over and urinates and it’s completely clear. I’m not sure what it was I saw or thought I saw. I went over and looked and sure enough, completely clear. He acted a little upset that we woke him up. About that time I look over and he is backing himself into his house and bringing more straw around him. Ronnie will be checking on him throughout the day tomorrow and if he sees anything he will take him to the vet.

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