Monday, March 2, 2020

I know I have been talking about Russ a lot lately. I promise I’m not neglecting any of the other animals here, but at the moment, he is the one being so funny. So last week I had a really long day. I knew it was going to be long and all I could do was leave all the lights on for the animals while I was gone. I left that morning at 6:45 am and wasn’t home until 8:30 that night. I’m not usually gone that long but sometimes it just happens. When I got home, there was complete silence. They were all so mad. Cracker Jack always brays at me when I get home and he didn’t at all. I knew he was mad. To top it all off, it was going to be in the 20s that night so I needed to take extra precautions for them all to be able to stay warm. I hurry as fast as I can to get everything done. As I walk over to the pig pens, Riss is so mad he had turned his house all the way over and broke it apart and scattered all of his straw everywhere. I’m sure that wasn’t supposed to be funny but to me it reminded me of a kid throwing a tantrum. I went in the pen and fixed it up after feeding them all. I got out new straw for him to make sure he would be warm. And as soon as all that was finished, I sat down on the old straw  and he did a belly flop for belly rubs and all was right with the world again, for him anyway. Now every time he gets upset or I’m late he does this with turning over his house. He is a mess. What some people don’t know is that animals love a routine. They want that stability and do better when there is a routine. I try really hard to keep them on a routine daily, sometimes it just doesn’t work and they tell me about it and not nicely usually.

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