Sunday, March 15, 2020

I have posted about Russ having an infection. I know I sound a little out there sometimes about these animals and their health. He was given an antibiotic shot from the vet on Wednesday. I have been watching him closely and I still feel like there is something off. He has not acted sick at all, but I just knew in my gut something was wrong. And there definitely was. He is urinating better and it is a much better color. I also made sure to watch his bowel movement today and it was better. I just cannot put my finger on what is going on. I think I will be calling the vet tomorrow, I’m just not sure what to tell him. The only thing is maybe a distended stomach but it wasn’t that way before he ate. I’m just not sure what it is. He really doesn’t have any symptoms. He is eating and drinking fine. He is interacting with the other pigs. He is doing his business much better after his shot. What am I missing?? He is super mad at me because of the shot so he isn’t friendly with me right now. Send some prayers that we can narrow this down so Russ doesn’t get worse. He is better than he was, but I’m still worried.

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