Sunday, April 12, 2020

Have you ever just stopped what you are doing and just looked around and listened to what’s going on around us?? Life is so busy all of the time that we don’t take time to really stop and notice things. I have been trying to stop and notice more things around me lately to try to block out some of the distractions around. The other day, something caught me in my heart. Something I hadn’t really paid so much attention to. I was out in the pig pen, of course, and most of the little ones were in Russ’ pen. It was just Pork chop and Patsy that were in that pen. Both of them are a little skittish still but so much better than they were. I just stopped and bent down to Pork chop, like I usually do and I looked in his eyes. You can see emotions in their eyes. What I saw was contentment with a little uncertainty. He finally came to me and let me pet him, until Brutus wanted in on the petting. Brutus wants all the attention. I did the same thing with Patsy that day also. I had never realized how much their eyes show. We do this with people everyday, but not animals. I mean, you can see in a dog’s eyes. Never did occur to me to look in my pig’s eyes. It really was an amazing thing to see. Now I do it with all of the animals.