Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Well, the sleeping arrangements in the pig pen did not go as I had envisioned. Russ still is refusing to sleep in the shelter with the other pigs. Even when he was in there and I didn’t think he could get out, he was sleeping outside. I went out to check on him last night before I went to bed and sure enough, he was in his dog house. I had put a lot of extra straw in there because I knew it was supposed to get cold. He was bundled up so well in the straw I could only see 1 ear. Bless his heart. He really likes to be alone. I guess we will be building him his own shelter after all. I really thought he would eventually get in the shelter with the other pigs, So building him one was kinda put off for awhile, but now I know it needs to happen. My question is this, if there is a shelter built over there, will the other pigs stay out of it, nope, probably not. So then what am I going to do? I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there. I’m definitely working hard at keeping them all happy.

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