Saturday, April 11, 2020

I have been telling Ronnie for awhile about the flooded pig pen. I mean, it has been raining constantly here in Arkansas. I don’t remember it ever raining so much. It’s insane. So, when he got home, he looked at it but didn’t say much. So I kept on. Today he went and got a bunch of sand to put in there. When he got home from the store, he stepped into the pen. He looked at me and said, this is really bad. I knew it was. The drain he put in awhile back was clogged also, so he cleaned that out. Funny enough, even though it’s not funny, the sand wasn’t going to be enough. Luckily enough, we had some river rock. He stuck the river rock in the bad part of the pen and covered in all with sand. It is so much better and the pigs were super happy. Problem is, as soon as we got it finished, it started storming and is supposed to go all through tomorrow. Poor pigs can’t catch a break. Hopefully it won’t be too bad tomorrow. Ronnie did a great job. The pigs being so happy made me really happy.

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