Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My cousin and her kids came by the other day. The kids were getting restless with the quarantine. We stayed outside and practiced social distancing. I am telling you, I love when people come over to see the animals. It blesses my heart that I’m not the only person that loves animals so much. Of course, Hercules gave one of them a run for their money. He loves to untie people’s shoes. I think he did that to Addie about 4 times. Hayes wanted to come live in the goat pen. That kid has a good memory, he remembered Lucky always his in the trees. They were able to learn how to feed a donkey without getting bit. They were able to play with them a little while. They figured out quickly who wanted to be loved on and who didn’t. They went into Russ’ pen and fed Brutus Cheerios. Hayes may have been nipped a bit by Brutus while feeding him. They did get to pet the pigs and give them all treats. The animals love the attention and I love them getting the attention. I do what I can and give them all attention daily, but I always feel like it’s not enough. Does my heart good to see other people giving them attention.

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