Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The saga of Russ continues. These other pigs are really getting on his nerves. They try to take his food and he runs them off. Then, I put straw in his bed to keep him warm and they decide to spread it out for him. He just dumps the whole house over when they do that. They all are in his space so he goes to their space to get away from them. Poor guy. I went out to check on them tonight and didn’t see his house. He must have gotten so mad that he dumped it and moved it to the middle of the pen. Half of his straw was missing so I went to put more in. This woke them all up. I moved the house back and I put more straw in because it’s in the 30s again tonight. Well, the other ones were back trying to spread it out for him. I should have just left it alone. Poor guy. Just came in from checking on them again and they were all back in their beds. I disturbed Russ again and he was not happy about it. Apparently, he likes his sleep.

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