Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It stormed again last night. Thunderstorms, tornado warnings, tornado watches, all of the things tornado season brings here in Arkansas. I’m not a fan of these months with all of that going on. I did not panic the last few times. I calmly went outside and prayed for protection for all of the property and the animals. I did stay up late and went to do a check after the storm was over. I walked out to all of the pens and looked in with a flashlight. The donkey and goats were looking at me like, why are you flashing a light in our faces. They were all good and no damage was done there. Went down to the pig pens and they all woke up and started running around the pens. They were not happy with me waking them up. They were all okay and there was no damage. It rained so much all of the bowls were full of water. That a lot in just two hours. I was grateful they were all fine.

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