Friday, May 1, 2020

Today was a win in my book. I have been trying for so long to get Patsy out of her shell. When I picked her up in a rescue, she was very timid. She became very depressed that I was starting to worry when she first got here. She would lay in the corner with her brother (Brutus). She didn’t want to eat or anything for several days. That can be normal for them because transitioning is so hard for them. I just kept trying to get her to eat. She has been here almost a year. She is my last one to come out of her shell. She still runs when I come into the pen or get close to her. She will eat out of my hand and on occasion I have been able to give her some kisses. I am able to pet her in small doses. She just hasn’t been friendly. And that’s okay. She does seem a little delayed with things, but that’s okay also. We made some progress today though. I was giving belly rubs today and she finally let me rub her belly and did the belly flop for me. I was so excited. She was my last hold out. Her Mohawk tells me she was happy about this belly rub.  I am working on Russ again after he got upset over a shot, but that will come eventually.

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