Sunday, May 24, 2020

I had a friend out today for a bit to see the animals. She had heard stories about them all but had not met them. This girl has the biggest heart I have ever seen. She cares deeply about people. I have seen that firsthand. I saw something absolutely amazing today. Most of the time when people come over, the animals have to warm up to a person before they fully engage with them. Not this girl, they went in full force. The goats loved her so much they had her on the ground trying to love on her. The donkey was even friendly. The pigs even let her close to them. Once again, I see the effect people can have on animals and animals on people. These animals just take all of the stress you have away, even for a minute. They love people and they really loved Abbie. It’s a blessing for me to see. This was an experience in itself. They just knew she had a kind heart and wanted to be all over her!! Thank you, Abbie for coming by!!

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