Sunday, May 24, 2020

I have to brag on my husband a minute. He isn’t home much and when he is, the poor guy always has to work on something here on this farm. He built a new shelter for the pigs the last time he was home. I was so appreciative and still am. We had so much rain when he was gone, the house had a puddle of water in it. The house wasn’t leaking, the placement of the house was where the water sat. So, when he got home this time, he put in a nice floor in it so the pigs would be off the ground. It worked really well. It came a down pour the night he built it and there was no water. All of the straw was dry so I knew the pigs had been also. We were out of straw also so he went and got me straw. I cleaned out all of the old straw in all of the shelters and replaced it with new. Those pigs were so happy. Warms my heart knowing how tired he is but does it anyway. He even said he would build Darla her own pen if the others didn’t stop bullying her. It’s just normal stuff all pigs do but he doesn’t want her picked on. She is too sweet for that.


  1. It'll be OK Darla they all just want to check you out to see if your friend or die. 😂

  2. Lol!! Poor girl. But things are getting better!!
