Saturday, May 30, 2020

Went out to clean pig pens today. I do that a lot. Bowls need cleaned out, straw needs changed, water bowls need cleaned, poop needs picked up. Fresh water of course is a must daily. Pools need changed. The list goes on. It’s all necessary to take care of these animals. They deserve the best. Today as I was cleaning out pools, Mya decides to take Gus for a walk. She got the leash out and the halter and got it all on him and got him out of the pen. No big deal. Well, Mya has a few other things she wanted to do, so she handed me the leash. I just start following Gus. No big deal, right?? Wrong...
My mom was over and we were going toward the garden, Gus was apparently going to go, too. So, I was just following. We get halfway to the garden and I start thinking, he has never been that far away from the other pigs but I just kept going. About 10 seconds after I thought this, Gus throws a fit and starts running and almost barking toward Treat and Spam. He turned and ran so fast that I almost fell. He was too far away from the pigs he was bonded with and he had to get back to them. Once they were in his sight, he relaxed and did not want to go back in the pen. It took two of us to get him back in the pen. Then he threw a fit when he got back in there and wouldn’t let us get the halter and leash off of him. I finally got down to his level and whispered to him that he was okay and was just petting him to calm him so I could get it off of him, which I did. He is a spoiled one but they all are. At least he is loved and he knows it.

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