Friday, May 15, 2020

I got up yesterday morning and started doing the morning chores. I noticed that Cracker Jack was not braying like he normally did. I also noticed they were all acting a little off. I had no idea what was going on. I really did not think much of it and continued with feeding. Right before I started feeding the dogs, Maggie had run toward the front of the house, so I went to get her. As I am walking back up the driveway to get to feed them, I see Hercules standing right there in the middle of the driveway. At first, I did a double take because I really did not believe what I was seeing. I have had that goat for over a year and he has not tried to get out, ever. I walked up to him and then he followed me to the pen. I was trying to hurry before the dogs ran up to him. I did not get him in the pen before Daisy saw what was happening. Daisy didn’t hurt him but she did want to play. Good grief. Hercules head butted her with his horns and then walked back in the pen. It was like he did nothing wrong and it was a normal day. I went to work. When I got home, he was still in the pen. I walked the fence line and did not see any holes or where he would have gotten out of the pen. Went out late to check and he was still in the pen. This morning, still in the pen. So I didn’t worry about it today. That crazy goat... his name before we got him was Rebel. I didn’t think that for him, but I might have been wrong.