Monday, May 18, 2020

Patsy the pig is such a precious thing. She is a little slow but she is such a sweet pig. Yesterday I was giving the animals hay to eat. I don’t do that much, but I thought it was a nice treat for them. They really do love it. So last night I threw the hay over the fencing. It had been raining for a couple of days so the mud is horrible. Patsy did not want her hay on the ground, she picked it up and put it in a bowl. I’m not kidding. It did end up on the ground because pork chop wanted it so Patsy high-tailed it out of there with the hay in her mouth. It was hilarious. Tonight, I gave them some more hay. This time, I put it in the bowls. Well, Patsy didn’t want it in that bowl, she picked it up and moved it to another bowl. It was so funny to watch her. She makes me laugh. I went over and petted her while she was eating and she actually let me. Sweet little girl.

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