Friday, May 22, 2020

This weather is just not normal. It has rained so much in the last couple of months I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so bad for my animals. My husband has built shelters for all of them to keep them out of the rain. Russ still refuses to use any of them and stays in a dog house. The pigs are still working on excepting Darla and it’s been a couple of weeks. It’s better but I hate it for her. She is so sweet, she refuses to fight back. She has a house all to herself. Well, it flooded the last time it rained. I cleaned out all of the straw and put new in for her. I think it is where the house is placed, but that was the dry spot when it was built. Today, my husband put a floor in Darla’s house for her. I am so grateful and I know she is also. He has a soft spot for her and has decided to build her her own pen next time he is home if the other pigs are still mean to her. It’s really nothing abnormal, pigs just have to figure it out. Things are so much better than they were. I know it will work out.

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