Tuesday, May 12, 2020

It sure has been interesting around here lately. I know I haven’t been good about posting lately. Hopefully that will change.  We have a new cat around here.  Now, here is the story. I have a 17 year old girl living with me. That’s a long story. Short version is she needed us and she is here. I am unable to share any information about her because she is a minor and I value her privacy. Anyway. She rescued a cat. She took very good care of this cat. When she moved in with us, I was hesitant to bring another cat home since Ronnie is a touch allergic and we already have 2. The cat, who is named Oreo, went to live with a friend of ours. I took the cat to get fixed and to get vaccinations. She thought the cat was a girl... nope... it was a boy who had already been fixed. Hahahaha!! I paid for vaccinations and he went back to our friends house. Fast forward a few weeks and our friend was moving. My new 17 year old was heartbroken. What do I do?? I tell her to bring Oreo home. The first few days were rough, but he is warming up and doing well. This cat has given her so much happiness. It is also teaching her responsibility and a sense of having something that belongs to her. So, meet Oreo!!


  1. So pretty he could have stayed with us. That would assure you'd come see us often. 😂

  2. Hahahaha!!! He is a mess!!! I am planning to come see you very soon!!
