Saturday, May 30, 2020

Brutus is one jealous small pig. He is still the smallest but is catching up to Patsy, his sister. He was the runt of his litter when I rescued Patsy and Brutus. That was really something. Anyway. He and I bonded not long after his neuter and he waits for me and loves his belly rubs. He is an attention hog. No pun intended. It’s cute, or was cute. Today something amazing happened. You know I got Darla a few weeks back. Yes, I have been spending a lot of time with her as I always do when a new one comes to the farm. I want them to get to know me so they aren’t shy or skittish with me. I feel it’s important. Brutus hates it. Today I was in then pen doing chores and Darla walked right up to me. This in itself was a big accomplishment. I leaned down and made kissy noises to her and she gave me a piggy kiss. That is a huge accomplishment. I was so proud of her. What I didn’t expect was what happened next. Brutus was standing there, watching. Literally the second after she gave me the piggy kiss, he attacked her. I call that jealous. The entire herd in that pen still have not accepted her, but it is getting better. I think Brutus is the last hold out on that. With his attitude, I’m not sure when the acceptance of Darla will be. Good grief. At least I know they both love me.

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