Sunday, May 17, 2020

Funny post coming. Cracker Jack, my donkey does this thing when he is mad at me, or anyone. He walks up to you and then turns his back on whoever it is and throws his head up in the air just like a teenager would when mad. To me, I find it hilarious. So, yesterday I let all of the goats out except lucky and then Cracker Jack. Mya and I were fixing the clips on the fencing and putting stakes in. That donkey seriously came right up to the fence, and turned his rear end right to us. Keep in mind, we were bending down so his rear was right in our faces!! I laughed so hard at that. It was like he was saying, ok, you let everybody else out so I want to go, too. I eventually caved and let him out. He got his point across. Spoiled brat!!

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