Friday, May 29, 2020

I get home from work yesterday, Mya helps me with the feeding and watering of the animals and then  helps with the garden. I have looked over all the pigs, checking to make sure all was good. I go over to check the goats and the donkey. Well, there is a story in here somewhere but I have no idea what it is since I was not there to witness it. Carlos has spots on his head, bloody spots. I’m so confused. I laugh to myself but was like he is growing horns?? Seriously, that is what it looked like. The spots are very sensitive and when I tried to look at them, he would not let me. He would back away quickly. They were still bleeding when I was looking at them. Fast forward a bit and I see Romeo has blood on his horns and and his face. What happened here?? I’m so curious as to what’s happened. I did spray some antiseptic spray on Carlos and have checked on him several times and he seems okay. Look at these pics. What do you think happened??

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