Friday, May 15, 2020

I get home from work today and as I was driving up the driveway, me and Mya were looking in the pen with the goats. Cracker Jack wasn’t braying... I look up and walking toward the car is a very wet and miserable looking Hercules. I have no idea how long he had been out of the pen, but his shelter is in that pen. Poor guy. He looked terrible. I loved on him a bit and Mya and I got him back in the pen. He went straight to the shelter and sat down. He must have been tired. Looking around the pen again, it looks like there was an area he could either crawl under or climb over. There was some of Hercules’ hair hanging on the top of the fence. It’s pouring down rain but I needed to fix the fence. Mya and I get some tools and get to work. Of course it got finished as well as we could do. Rain continued. We were both soaked from this rain. I am guessing Hercules will only escape when the dogs are not outside. I guess we will see if he stays inside the pen tonight. 

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