Friday, May 22, 2020

Let’s talk about Darla. This pig is such a sweet girl. I got her from a rescue here in Arkansas. Thank goodness for them. This sweet pig came to the rescue from a breeder that wouldn’t get enough money for the babies she was carrying because they were not full blooded breed. She is about a year old and has already had a litter of piglets. Bless her heart. The rescue was amazing with her and her babies. The babies were all adopted and she was spayed so she wouldn’t have to go through that again. When I saw the first pictures of her, I just could not stop thinking about this poor baby. I had gotten to know the lady who had the rescue just through messages about rescuing pigs. We talked about me taking Darla. I just wasn’t sure since I had 8 already, but eventually I caved. She had just had surgery a week before I got her. She looked to be a little depressed and a little skinny, from nursing and depression. She was terrified when she got here. Her incision has healed and is looking good. I had no idea what her disposition would be when she got here. I had been told she was super sweet and that’s what she looked like. That wasn’t wrong. She is warming up to me in the two weeks I have had her. Pigs don’t let you give them belly rubs unless they trust you because that is a vulnerable place for them. I have been able to give belly rubs daily for about a week now. She shows me her Mohawk when I pet her and I got a piggy kiss today. I’m so thrilled with her progress here. Now, if I could just get the other pigs to love her. Out of 5 other pigs in that pen, there are still two that have not fully excepted her, but I know they will. She is also putting on some weight and she is looking really good. I’m thankful the adoption of Darla went so well and I’m grateful to the rescue that had her for everything they have done for this to happen. They were patient with me to hold her until I finished school and they brought her to me. It was meant for her to come here. I needed her and she needed me.


  1. Those pictures say she's home. Thank you for giving her a chance to know foeverlove.

  2. Thank you for everything you did to get her here!! I love her!!
