Thursday, April 2, 2020

I am going to make this post, but if any of you know my husband, please refrain from telling him I made this post. Lol!! Daisy is my husband’s dog. There is no doubt about it. She sits in the truck spot when he is gone. That’s how much she is Ronnie’s dog. It’s really funny to me since I had never seen this side of him. Daisy goes everywhere with Ronnie when he is home. He has a couple sets of keys to his truck so he even takes her to Walmart and leaves the truck running and locks her in since he has another set. Can we say spoiled?? That’s not all, he goes to Sonic with her and gets her her own chicken nuggets. He cools them off for her and puts them on the console for her in bite size pieces one at a time. When she is finished, he gives her the peppermint. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this. And he just let me know that he may take her to work with him. I do love this though. I’m sure I have told the story about Daisy coming to live here. She was found at Tractor Supply in the parking lot by my brother in law. He had been out at the house working on something and had to make a run for parts. When he came back, he had a dog. We had lost our pit bull a few months earlier and I didn’t want another dog, we still had 2. My brother in law said he was going to take her home and find a good home for her. My husband saw that dog and it was like a scene out of Annie. He starts yelling, “Daisy, come here, Daisy.” That dog came to him and had been Daisy and his sidekick since then. That was almost 2 years ago. She is definitely a fantastic dog and I am glad she is here.

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