Monday, April 13, 2020

You guys!!! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. We cut the middle of the little pig pen since the pigs were going under the fence and getting scratched. I hate that, so we cut it out. I wasn’t really sure how Russ was going to do because he really does guard his area. He likes to have his own spot. He is definitely top hog and doesn’t tolerate much of the others when he doesn’t want to. He lets them know quickly who is boss. It is cold again here, down in the 30s at night, so I go around and put more straw in pens to keep them warm at night. Russ is the only one I really worry about because he refuses to sleep in anything except the small dog house. The other side of the pig pen has a big shelter the other 4 pigs sleep in. He just wouldn’t sleep in there with them. Well, as I was going to put straw in the shelter, Russ came running out. After straw was put in the shelter, he was actually over there helping the other pigs to straighten the straw out the way they wanted it. That is the first time Russ has done that. Seriously, the first time. I am hoping this means Russ will be cuddled up with the rest of them tonight to stay warm.

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