Wednesday, April 1, 2020

I wrote a post a couple days ago about my dream that I have. Most of you probably do not know I work in a home for teens and young women who need help getting back on track with their lives. I have been there almost a year now. Today, I brought those girls to my house with another staff member to kind of see how things went. Let me tell you, it was a fantastic day. All of their troubles just kinda melted away for the day. We actually worked for a long time outside. We shoveled up the piggy poop and the manure out in the pen with the donkey and the goats. We used that manure from the donkey on the garden. We also put out pine shavings to help with the mud in the pig pens. We washed out all of the bowls to get rid of the mud and gave them all fresh water (that does get done all the time, they dirty it back up in about 5 seconds). We also loved on the animals and gave treats. It was a blessing to see how happy everyone was today. For today, no one had to worry about anything except the animals. We also went down to my cousins house to love on some horses. I don’t know what it is about animals but they really do help the mind and the heart. Today was a blessing and I hope I can help do this more. Not only did I enjoy the help, but the girls had a good time and felt like they were helpful (and they were extremely helpful), but the animals got to see more people and not just me. I am grateful for the day. I am going to post pics of animals. I will not post pics of the girls for their privacy.

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