Thursday, April 2, 2020

I have finally figured out my connection to Russ, the pig. As I was watching him today, I realized why I like that pig so much. He has a personality just like I have!! Now, let me explain. Ronnie set up a pen next to some of the other pigs when we got him. The plan was to take out the middle of the 2 pens to make one big pen. When we tried to integrate Russ into the herd, he wasn’t having it. I hadn’t latched that other gate because I put him in with the other pigs with no way out, or so I thought. He did escape and how he did it and the others didn’t get out, I will never know. So, I kept him in the pen alone thinking that’s what he wanted. Nope, wrong again, he made a hole in the fence so he could go visit when he wanted to. He does do that several times a day. He does not go over at meal times because he refuses to share his food. He also would rather sleep in a medium size dog house instead of going into the other shelter with the other pigs. And now he isn’t too happy because the other pigs are now coming and going as they please. He has been showing them who is boss the last few days just to get some alone time. This pig also can hold a grudge. It’s been 3 weeks since he has wanted anything to do with me since he had an antibiotic shot. He wants to do things his way. He doesn’t put up with the other pig’s nonsense, he just goes back home. When the other pigs are fighting with him, he has started fighting back a little. He paces and tries to get out of the pen when he wants something and succeeds sometimes. This little guy is a fighter also. He has had 4 homes in a year, but despite those circumstances, he is a sweet pig. He also was pretty sick with a bad infection recently, but again, he is a fighter. Russ reminded me of my personality today and it made me laugh out loud, literally. Crazy little pig. Glad he is cute.

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