Sunday, August 30, 2020


 I know a lot of people are wondering about the animals with Ronnie and I moving. I want to put everyone at ease and tell you, we are taking them with us. All of them. I am one of those that gives animals a home for the rest of their life. I do not have the heart to rehome them or try to give them away. It’s different if they are miserable here but I work really hard at giving them the life they deserve. Everyone of these animals are important to me. I mean, I just wrote a book about them. It would look really bad if I rehomed even one of them. I have goals for me and these animals. In fact, to be honest with you, we haven’t found the perfect place to move yet because I need a place big enough for them to be happy. 2 acres isn’t enough for them so it will not do. I’m grateful to my husband for having my back with this decision. He might not admit it, but he likes the animals, too. He doesn’t want me to rehome them. He is just happy I have decided to move so he can be more apart of all of it. I am determined to find a spot where we will all have enough room and we will all be able to be happy. That’s my goal with this move. He looked at a house not long ago that had 4 acres but it was split into 2 properties and it was nothing but dirt. No grass or trees anywhere on the property. He knew that wasn’t going to work. I’m not splitting the animals and they need grass and trees for shade. I know there is a place for us, we just have to find it. These animals are going to be happy and healthy on our new property. I know it. Hopefully before too long I can share my thoughts on my plans for the future with them. For now, I am just going to keep planning. I am grateful to everyone who has wondered about their home situation and I am grateful that you all care so much. It truly warms my heart. Thank you!!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Update on Cracker Jack

A few days ago I said Cracker Jack was having some issues with his foot. Then, he was fine the next day. Well, the day after that, it was worse. On top of that, it was pouring down rain. He refused to go in his shelter with the goats, so he stayed out in the rain all day long flipping his tail around because he was so miserable. It broke my heart. I started thinking it might have been his knee, so I went and got some topical pain relief stuff and put that on him. Nope, not it. He finally went in the shelter and relaxed enough to lay down. The next day he still wasn’t better. I called our ferrier. I know he was busy but I’m so appreciative to him for coming to the house not long after I called. I must have sounded distressed. He came and checked him out. He said it looked liked he was forming an abscess but it wasn’t sure where it was forming yet. He said if it wasn’t better by next week, he would come back and see if he could find it. I let Ronnie know, so we went by the feed store and got some antibiotics. If you have an abscess, there is infection. Poor donkey. He was so bad that he had started hopping on 3 legs. I just felt so bad for him. Ronnie and I went out today to give him the injection. We had to let the goats out of pen to get to him. They have taken on the role of protecting since Cracker Jack hasn’t been doing well. Ronnie grabbed him and I was holding him. Ronnie stuck that needle in and regardless of me holding him, Cracker Jack went forward. I ended up on the ground and so did Ronnie. We both set up laughing. At least Cracker Jack got his shot. And he is already walking much better. He has been so pitiful for days and I’m so grateful he is better. 

Friday, August 28, 2020


 I go out to feed the pigs a couple of days ago and I see some scrapes on Brutus and on Pork Chop. I go out today and I see a small one on Darla. I was not sure what was going on. I knew it had to have been a scuffle between the pigs, but which one was causing it. I happen to look over today and see Russ opening his mouth. I was so shocked. He has his tusks. They are getting long enough to see. I thought he was too young for that. He has to be only a year or a year and a half. They are longer than what Gus has and he is a year older. I then remembered something. When a pig is not neutered, the tusks go in faster. He was fixed the day after we got him, but they must have already been growing by then. Now they can hurt the other pigs if he really wanted to. Luckily he normally gets along with the other pigs. It’s all over food when he goes after them. I will have to watch that growth on the tusks for sure and get them trimmed as soon as possible. They aren’t long enough yet to trim but they will be. 


I was going through and deleting photos this morning since I have racked up over 6,000 again. Ridiculous. I noticed a photo that I never wrote about. Probably because it’s not something that everyone wants to hear, but it’s educational anyway. No one ever wants to think their animal would do anything wrong or hurt someone in anyway. I love my animals more than most people, but they are still animals. They still have the tendency to become aggressive, so you have to watch yourself with them. Gus is one of the sweetest pigs I have put here. However, sometimes he has bad days like the rest of us. I learned when I first got the pigs to be on guard and I am grateful I did. Gus was having a bad day one day and he swiped his head at me. He almost got my face. Luckily I have quick reflexes and knew him well enough to know what was coming and I moved out of the way. He is a neutered animal so it’s not that. It was a rainy, cold January night. It was dark and he was cranky. I get it, we all have those days. I said all of that to say this, regardless of how well you know your animal, you still have to be careful. Gus is fine and he is still here. This has only happened a few times and he has never hurt anyone. I watch closely and tell others to do the same. Gus is a great pig, but he has bad days, too. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Donkey problems

This donkey... Cracker Jack is truly something else. I went out to feed the animals and I threw them some extra hay. They all seemed fine. I fed the pigs and cleaned out water bowls and pools for them. I went over to do the same with water for the donkey and goats. I noticed Cracker Jack was limping a little bit. Didn’t look too serious. I look out the window a couple of hours later and Cracker Jack is down. He is just laying down in the hay. Of course I go out to check on him. I was panicking. These animals are so important to me. I don’t want them hurt or sick and if they are, I want it fixed. I went out and when he heard me coming, he got up. He got up fine. However, he was really struggling to walk. He would lay down and then get back up. He did walk toward me, so I grabbed the halter and tried to look at his foot. It was getting dark and he really hates me looking at his hooves. It looked okay. I went to get the tool to clean out some mud in the hoof and he wasn’t having it. I let him lay back down. I checked on him several times and was up super late checking on him. I called our ferrier and set up an appointment for today. I’m sure he didn’t like me calling so late but I was worried. When I went out this morning to check on him, he was up eating. He was still limping a lot. I had so much to do today, but I continued checking on him. He is an old man and he needed it. He got lots of attention today. I have been so busy with getting the house ready and all of that, I think I have neglected in giving all of the animals the attention they need. Even the pigs are irritated with me. Anyway. Later this afternoon, Cracker Jack is just fine. No more limping at all. I was so happy. I called the ferrier again and told him Cracker Jack was doing much better but I would call him back tomorrow to let him know if he was still doing better. I hope he is still doing fine. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020


So, by now you guys know that I am having a book published!! I am so super excited about this and I hope everyone buys a copy!! In saying that, something funny happened yesterday. We are working on the cover of this chapter book. Since it is about this farm, and other things which you will have to find out when you read it, I had talked about using a pic of a mischievous pig. What is so funny is that I got the perfect picture yesterday of Brutus looking like I want the cover of the book to look like. If you don’t have pigs, they all have different personalities. One thing they all have in common is they are mischievous little things. I have heard them described as forever toddlers. This might be a good description of them. Tell me what you think!!

Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Since it’s out now, we are moving. Funny story about this process. Had a guy come out to the house for photos and he used a drone. I didn’t know they did this, but they do. While the guy had the drone going around the property, I notice that Cracker Jack and the goats are not dealing with this well. I see Cracker Jack running around the pen in circles and the goats are all right behind him. I did not put two and two together for a few minutes. I finally realized they did not like the drone. Not sure if it was the sound of it or what. They were not happy at all. Poor guys. I had to laugh though. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 So, Ronnie and I have been watching a lot of marvel movies in the evening. I had never seen them, so we started watching them. We go to bed the other night and I’m reading a book. Oreo is in there talking. He is standing in the fireplace and all of a sudden he jumps straight up and doesn’t come back down. I thought of the marvel movies when he did this since he jumped so far. I thought the vent was closed but apparently it wasn’t. Oreo had jumped straight up into the fireplace and decided he would stay there. We tried getting him out with treats, the laser light. I even called Mya to try to get him down. Nope, not happening. He did not want to come out of there. Finally Ronnie found some sardines and opened the van and that cat jumped straight out of there like lightening. We had tried for a good 30 minutes to get him down. Good grief he is a mess, but look at that innocent face. It’s funny now and really it was funny then. Sometimes it feels like a circus around here. 

Sick Bubba

 Have you ever had to give a cat a pill?? Oh my goodness. The first round of pills a couple days ago but last night I thought I had killed my cat. Poor Bubba was not going to take his pills. When I finally got the pills in him, he was literally foaming at the mouth for several minutes. I have now found a better way to give him the pills. Hopefully tonight it will work better. Poor Bubba. I just hate having to do this to him. It breaks my heart so much. He is on a lot of pain meds now also and that makes him just be lazy. I really hate it. 

Vet trip

 We have had some issues with Bubba the last few months. Persia and Bubba neither one have been happy about a new cat in the house. The first month was okay but then Bubba started urinating outside the litter box. That can be cleaned up. He really hasn’t urinated on anything that couldn’t be cleaned up easily thank goodness, but recently he came up to me and peed on me. Yes, on me. We had been thinking that it was a behavioral problem because of the new cat. But, enough is enough. Ronnie told me to take him to the vet. Sure enough, part of it was the new cat, but his bladder was inflamed and the vet told me he has a significant heart murmur. He is on a bunch of medicine right now. He talked to me all the way to the vet and all the way home. He was telling me how unhappy he was with having to go to the vet. I can’t say I blame him. But, I hope this fixes him. Poor guy. He is old and grumpy these days. 

Darla and Russ

 Darla and Russ, what a pair. Every morning and every evening I feed all of the pigs. Not a lot but I give them a little 2 times a day. These pigs do fight to get their share of food, even though each pig has a bowl. They all try to eat out of every bowl. As I walk out and get the food, each pig in both pens stand at the gate and wait for me. Several weeks again Darla got out. It took a few hours to get her back in. Russ did not like this situation. Now, Darla tries to get out every morning. What’s funny is that Russ blocks her from getting out. He will not let her get out. For that I am grateful to Russ. I usually can block her with my boot, but she will bite at my boot. I just put my foot in her way and she bites it. Probably not funny but I laugh when she does it. She just wants food. Russ and Darla definitely have a bond. I’m amazed at the protection Russ gives her. They needed each other badly. 

Sad Oreo

 Life is definitely crazy sometimes. Right now is so crazy for us. Mya moved out this past weekend. She is doing really good though and I’m happy for her. Oreo on the other hand is a little depressed. He walks around looking for her. He is a very vocal cat also. It’s like he has been calling for Mya. He has stopped that for now. Poor guy. The first few days he just stayed on her bed and wouldn’t move. He was grieving. I always hate that part. Animals feel the stress and the changes. He is doing better now and I hope it continues. I just have been feeling so bad for Oreo. 

Baby chicks

 A few months ago I was in Atwood’s or Tractor Supply and it was when they had all the baby ducks and chicks out. Of course I go over to see them. I really hate to see them in those bins. A year or so ago Tractor Supply had a chicken coop on sale and I kept saying I was going to buy that if no one else did. Well, someone bought it. I kept taking in pigs anyway so I didn’t pursue it. I have decided that chickens are my next mission. I’m not sure when since we have so much going on right now but it will happen. They are so cute. I have put it off since I have a dog that likes to kill everything that enters the yard. I have decided to make a big fenced area for the chickens. I do get excited to try new things. This will be to be continued until I do it. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Wild bunnies

 Let me tell you, we have seen more rabbits around this place this year. We have all kinds of wild animals out here, but I absolutely love to see rabbits hopping around. They are the cutest. Not long ago there was one out in the pen with Cracker Jack and the goats. It was just hanging out. The animals in the pen didn’t bother the rabbit at all. The other day, we had some painters out here giving the house a little face lift. Mya and I were out watching and all of a sudden, a baby rabbit comes out from under the porch. It didn’t mind us being out there watching. There were 2 of them. They have left now but they were so cute. I do like living out where I can see more of nature. 

Baby mice

 So, we have been doing some yard work lately. Oh my goodness that is no fun. During this time it was decided to get rid of the garden since it was starting to grow into the yard and the weeds were taking over. While that was happening there was a mouse that just would not leave while the mower was going. She finally did move but she was trying to save her babies. That is what she was trying to tell us. I’ve had a friend out here helping me and he got off the mower and then I hear Mya say oh my goodness. Next thing I know, she is holding 2 baby mice. None of us really knew what to do. We could all hear the momma mouse still squealing for her babies. So, I took them from Mya and stuck them in a spot where I thought she could find them. We all walked away after that. Mya went to check on them a few minutes later and they were gone. I’m sure momma came back for them. Of Mya learned nothing else here on the farm, I’m proud she has learned to love animals and have a heart for them. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Another escape

A couple of days ago I posted my husband had texted me to let me know Lucky the goat had gotten out somehow. Well, this week, Mya has gone outside for something and I got a text that Carlos and Lucky were out again. I go out there and we get them back in. The next day, Carlos got out and Mya got him back in. Not 2 hours later he just walks up to me, out again. I put him back. And one more time, here he is. Ronnie finally found where he was getting out and fixed the spot in the fencing. The goats don’t really go anywhere and the have plenty of grass and hay out there. Sometimes they just want to get out. They are funny animals for sure. 

Veggie stealer

As I was saying in my last post, I had the garden mowed down. I only left a tomato plant, cucumbers, and pumpkins. I only had 2 pumpkins growing but I was excited about them. Now, I do have a dog that loves to steal my vegetables. She was stealing squash last week. Tonight I go out to feed the animals and I see Daisy has stolen a pumpkin off the vine. I should not be surprised. Last year I only had 3 cantaloupe and she ate all of them. Crazy dog. 


We have had the garden growing for a few months. I like having a garden. However, I hate to weed a garden. Things have been so busy lately that I have not taken the time to weed the garden and it was completely out of control. I mean way out of control. It was a little scary going out there because it was so bad. Now that you get that picture, I will stop with that. Anyway. I go out to the garden today with a friend of mine that is helping me get the yard in order. My husband has been helping also, but he just doesn’t have enough time to get everything done. I was out picking squash and banana peppers, etc. It felt spooky in there and I just wanted to get out of the garden. I stepped out of the garden and my friend started weed eating the garden. As he did, a copperhead made its appearance close to where I had been standing. The snake was dealt with and I told my friend to just mow that garden down. I was done with it. And that is what happened. Glad I wasn’t the only one there for sure!! Here is what the garden looks like now. 

Chicken man

Life has been a little trying lately. So much going on. Definitely can’t get bored like that. I was sitting here thinking about what all I have missed out on posting. There is a story that I have been meaning to share but haven’t because I couldn’t get a picture of it. I decided to just tell you the story and post a picture I got online so here it goes. I’ve been working in a town about an hour from home. I obviously live in the country so I drive to a city to work. Anyway, long story short. There is a man that lives a few blocks from where I work. I have never met him and don’t know his story. This man looks to be an older man and doesn’t look to be in the best of health. He is on oxygen because I noticed the tank as I was driving by. What caught my attention of this older man was his choice in pets. He has a rooster. Again, I don’t know his story but for the last year I have seen him sitting on the porch in the mornings with his rooster. Sometimes he is feeding him, other times the rooster is in his lap. The rooster is never left outside without the man. It’s obvious from watching them, even for a second that they have a bond. It warms my heart everyday when I see them on the porch together. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

I am telling you what. This year has been nuts for everyone. We all are dealing with all kinds of things that we haven’t had to deal with. Mya goes outside a little bit after we all ate dinner. Chores had been completed and it was time to relax a bit. She comes running back inside to let us know the goats were out. Carlos and Lucky had decided to get out of the fence and just hang out. They were by the back door. That’s so funny. I swear, I have never let them inside. I cannot figure out how they are getting out or where they are getting out. They are certainly smart. They must be mad that I didn’t give them more food tonight, even though they have a new bale of hay. I think they are spoiled. They haven’t been out since last time Ronnie was home. It cracks me up that they get out normally when he is home. 

I posted a few days ago about Daisy and her not having a blanket, so she was barking to say she needed a blanket. Well, I went into the kitchen a couple of times this evening and poor Bella was trying to tell me something. She is not a barker and she is a really chill dog so her jumping up on me was out of character with her. I finally realize, Daisy has her blanket and is in her crate. So I stuck some blankets in Daisy’s crate and Bella went in a sat down. That’s all she wanted. Just a blanket. Such a simple thing that these dogs love to have.